Alchemy of Castle

I bought Alchemy of Castle despite it's limited grasp of English because the concept sounded interesting enough to try anyway. You play as a witch who wants to release the devil from hell. To do so, you need to craft 30 panacea.

I thought that sounded really cool. To be honest, I'd really like to play some games where the core
gameplay involves alchemy. I'm still looking for some good examples, so if you ever find a game like that, hit me up.

Sadly, this didn't turn out to be what I was hoping for. I imagined there'd be lots of gathering herbs and combining elements and mixing potions. Basically you just click on a big pot in the middle of the room and it generates crystals which you use to make health, mana, or soul potions to refill your constantly lowering health, mana, and soul bars. Every now and then the pot coughs up a panacea. And that's it, that's the whole game. Just clicking on a pot. And you don't even get to see nice animations of the crystals coming out of the pot. It just comes up with text saying +1 white crystal.

It's hard to be mad when this game only cost me 70 cents, I just wish it could have been so much more. So yeah, there's nothing really to recommend this game, it's empty. Okay the two single pieces of artwork in the game are nice, that's the one positive. 1/5 stars.


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