Milkmaid of the Milky Way

I picked this game up a couple of days ago because it was heavily discounted (although even at full
price it's pretty cheap) and the name intrigued me. Then tonight I had some spare time and needed to relax so I booted it up and gave it a go.

In Milkmaid of the Milky Way you play as Ruth, a young milkmaid in 1920's Norway who spends her time tending a herd of cows, and making butter and cheese. Until one day she is visited by a space ship. I won't spoil any more of the story than that. It's a point-and-click adventure game, like Monkey Island, though it's a bit more basic; there's no actions, you just use your inventory on different things. One thing definitely worth mentioning though is that the entire game rhymes, every line of dialogue. I mean, they're not all literary prize winners or anything, but it's still pretty damn impressive.

I got through the game in about 2 hours, so it's on the short side, but still, that's movie-length, that's an evening of entertainment, and it was a lot cheaper than a movie.

But down to the big question: is it good? Well, I liked it. It didn't blow me away, but it was entertaining and I have nothing negative to say about it. I give it 3.5/5 stars. Steam is doing a sale on games from Norway for the next few days, so now's a great time to grab it.


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