The End is Nigh

I don't think I've ever said “Fuck you” to my computer so much in one day.

The End is Nigh is...frustrating. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. But it requires hundreds of attempts for every one success. I think you have to be a special kind of person to enjoy that kind of frustration gameplay, and I don't think I am it. Still, I'll keep playing it, see if I can finish the main story at least. Because it is a good game.

But what is The End is Nigh? Well, in essence, it's a platformer, but it's a very precise platformer. You will die many, many times just trying to get through one screen-sized level. Thankfully, you have infinite lives, it saves after each level, and you respawn quicker than you can snap your fingers. Which is very important when you die so quickly and so often.

The story is very Ed Mcmillen (the creator of Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac). You play as a sentient blob named Ash in a post apocalyptic wasteland where everyone is dead. Your goal: find enough body parts to stitch together a friend to keep you company. The other hallmark of an Ed Mcmillen game, is there are over a hundred achievements, countless secrets and bonus levels, enough to keep you occupied for god-knows how long. As long as you can handle the stress, I suppose. At some point before 100%ing the game, you'll probably find you hit your peak ability and have to bow out, taking your achievements and being content with them. But some rare lunatics will find a way to collect everything, I'm sure.

After playing for about five hours (with many mental health breaks in between) I feel confident I can give my verdict on what kind of game this is. But on whether or not I'd recommend this game, it's a big “YES IF”.

Yes, if you like these kinds of games. Yes, if you've ever played a hard game over and over, and felt SO satisfied when you finally beat that level that was killing you, and then came back for more. Yes, if you've played and enjoyed Super Meat Boy. Because this game is, while stylistically and mechanically different enough to be it's own game, essentially more of the same. Yes, if you're ready to get your butt kicked and like it.

Oh and lastly, the soundtrack to this game is amazing. It's all classical music but remixed into this haunting dreary stuff. Very cool.


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