Puzzle Agent

Puzzle Agent: A game where you play as a member of the FBI's puzzle division. You're investigating a small town where the eraser factory has shut down for mysterious reasons. On the way you have to solve a bunch of puzzles for various puzzling reasons.

This game is basically a bunch of small puzzle games tied together with a storyline. The puzzles are good with only a couple of exceptions (they sometime require you to make the same assumptions about the puzzle that the creators have made, and fail to mention it) but what really makes this game interesting is the story. It's not original or anything, an FBI agent in a small town with strange happenings, but a game doesn't always have to be original to be good. Plus the sinister creepy tone is just done really well.

For a five dollar game, this one really punches above it's weight. I give it a 3.5/5 stars. Check it out if you like puzzles!


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