The Yawhg

The Yawhg is a quaint little game. The premise is simple, you control up to four characters in the weeks leading up to a great disaster known as The Yawhg. Nobody knows the Yawhg is coming, and you can only command your characters so far in that you pick an activity for them to complete each week.

Your characters will gain stat points for the activity you choose. For example, chopping wood increases strength. But random events will also happen, so while chopping wood you might meet a dryad, and they'll ask you to dance. If your character has a high finesse score, you can impress the dryad with your dancing and receive a reward.

The interesting thing about this game is that these random events aren't just singular occurrences. They bounce off each other. For example, if you fail to impress that dryad, they run into town and you can meet them in a different encounter. This makes experimenting and replaying the game quite rewarding, as you get to discover cool different combinations of events.

Having said that, the game is fairly basic, and there's only so many times you'll want to replay it (although every now and then I'll come back and play it again). The game gets away with it though, I think. The artwork is very nice, and the music (especially the song at the end) is haunting and beautiful. It creates a nice, short little experience. A playthough will take you about 10 minutes.

So, would I recommend? Hard to say. Do you like weird indie games that are trying something new? If so, yeah, give it a try. Maybe pick it up on sale sometime. It is art and it is beautiful, so in that sense it's definitely a win.


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